Having a website is both challenging and fulfilling simultaneously, especially with the competition in the world wide web these days; websites tend to engage more in paid search or ads to have visitors or users on their site. You don’t have to do these things to an extent, especially when you provide great content — because the more your users find your site useful, the more they will likely return.  

The good thing about a reliable and user-friendly website is that it can most probably convert users to subscribers. But the question is, how can I get email subscribers for my WordPress site? Is it possible for me to use WordPress popup plugins or other strategies to gain subscribers? The answer is yes! We listed ten ways to get more WordPress email subscribers in no time.

10 Ways to Get More Email Subscribers in WordPress

1. Offer Discount to New Subscribers

Offering discounts and special deals to your new subscribers will boost the subscription numbers. It can also lead to referrals. If a user sees that you have fresh offers for new subscribers, they can likely recommend your site to their friends or relatives to sign up for mailing. 

One way to get more email subscribers is by using popups to discount new subscribers. Popups are a type of window that appears on top of a website or blog, and they can be used to display a variety of content, including calls-to-action (CTAs) and special offers.

To use popups to offer a discount to new email subscribers, you can install a WordPress popup plugin that allows you to create and customize popups for your site. You can then create a CTA that invites visitors to sign up for your email list in exchange for a discount and set the popup to display when someone visits your site or takes a specific action, such as scrolling to a certain point on the page.

Remember that your discount should be valuable enough to entice people to sign up but not so generous that it cuts into your profits. You may also want to consider setting an expiration date for the offer to create a sense of urgency and encourage people to take action.

Using popups to discount new email subscribers can be a simple and effective way to grow your list and drive engagement with your business. Just consider the offer’s value and how it will impact your bottom line.

2. Organize a Giveaway

Organizing a giveaway can be a great way to get more WordPress email subscribers. Giveaways are a type of promotion where people enter to win a prize by completing a specific action, such as signing up for your email list or following you on social media.

To organize a giveaway, you must decide on a prize and create a set of rules for the promotion. You can then use your website, social media, or paid advertising to promote the giveaway and drive traffic to your site. When someone enters the giveaway, you can ask them to sign up for your email list to be eligible to win the prize.

Several WordPress plugins can help you set up and manage a giveaway on your website, including forms to collect entries and tools to select a winner randomly. You can also use these plugins to track entries and manage the promotion from start to finish.

Organizing a giveaway can be a fun and effective way to get more email subscribers. Just be sure to choose a prize relevant to your target audience and create clear and fair rules for the promotion.

3. Use Exit-Intent Popups

Using an exit-intent popup is another strategy you can use to get more email subscribers. An exit-intent popup is a window that appears on top of the site’s content when a visitor moves their cursor to close the tab or leave the page. These popups are designed to capture the attention of people about to leave your site, and they can be used to display various content, including calls-to-action (CTAs) and special offers.

To use an exit-intent popup to get more email subscribers, you can install a WordPress plugin that allows you to create and customize popups for your website. You can create a CTA that invites visitors to sign up for your email list before leaving your site and set the popup to display when someone clicks their cursor to close the tab or window.

It’s important to note that popups can annoy some users, and it’s important to use them correctly. Make sure to use popups sparingly and display them when appropriate and relevant to the user’s experience. If used correctly, popups can help boost your conversion rates and get more email subscribers. Just be sure to consider the user experience and how the popup will impact their engagement with your site.

4. Limit the Collected Information in Forms

Limiting the collected information in your email subscription form can be an effective strategy for getting more WordPress subscribers. Asking for too much information from your visitors to sign up for an email subscription can be a turn-off and may discourage people from filling out the form. Limiting the number of fields in the form can make it easier and more appealing for people to sign up.

To implement this strategy, consider using a WordPress plugin to customize your email subscription form fields. You can only ask for essential information, such as the visitor’s name and email address. You may also want to consider adding a checkbox that allows visitors to opt in to receive additional information or updates from your business.

Remember that the information you collect from your email subscribers will depend on your business needs and goals. It’s important to balance collecting enough information to effectively segment and target your email campaigns while making it easy and appealing for people to sign up.

Limiting the collected information in your email subscription form can be a simple and effective way to get more subscribers. Just be sure to consider the balance between collecting enough information to effectively segment and target your email campaigns while also making it easy and appealing for people to sign up

5. Display Testimonials and Reviews

Displaying testimonials and reviews can be a powerful strategy for getting more email subscribers. Testimonials and reviews are a type of social proof that can help build trust and credibility with your visitors, and they can be a powerful incentive for people to sign up for your email list.

To implement this strategy, consider adding a section on your website or blog that displays testimonials and reviews from satisfied customers. You can use a WordPress plugin to manage and display the testimonials, and you can also consider showcasing the testimonials in a popup or banner on your site.

When displaying testimonials and reviews, include the name and location of the person who provided the review and any relevant details about their experience with your business. You can also consider highlighting any particularly positive or impactful comments.

Be sure to choose high-quality testimonials that accurately reflect your customers’ experience.

6. Use Content Gating

Content gating restricts access to certain content or resources on your website until a visitor takes a specific action, such as signing up for your email list or filling out a form.

One way to use content gating to get more email subscribers is an opt-in popup. When someone successfully submits the popup form, they can be redirected to a hidden page to access the restricted content or resources.

To implement this strategy, you can use a WordPress plugin to create and customize opt-in popups for your website. You can then set up the opt-in popup when someone visits your site or takes a specific action, such as clicking a link or button. When someone successfully submits the form, they can be redirected to the hidden page to access the restricted content or resources.

Overall, content gating and opt-in popups can effectively get more email subscribers by offering valuable content or resources in exchange for an email address. Just be sure to consider the value of your content or resources and how they will impact the user’s experience.

7. Use Facebook Page Sign-up Button

The sign-up button is a feature on Facebook that allows you to create a custom call-to-action (CTA) button on your page that invites visitors to sign up for your email list or join your community.

To use the sign-up button on your Facebook page, you must create a CTA button and link it to a form or landing page where visitors can enter their email addresses and sign up for your email list. You can create and manage the form using various tools and services, such as a WordPress plugin or a third-party email marketing service.

Once you have created the sign-up button and linked it to a form, you can add it to your Facebook page by going to the “Settings” tab and selecting “Edit Button.” From there, you can choose the sign-up button from the list of available options and customize the CTA text to match your desired message.

8. Grab Attention With a Floating Bar

A floating bar is a sticky bar that stays at the top, bottom, or side of a web page, and it can be used to display various content, including calls-to-action (CTAs) and special offers.

To use a floating bar to get more email subscribers, you can install a WordPress plugin that allows you to create and customize floating bars for your website. We recommend FireBox, which can create intuitive sticky floating popups that match any website style. 

You can add a CTA that invites visitors to sign up for your email list and set the floating bar to display when someone visits your site or takes a specific action, such as scrolling to a certain point on the page.

Remember that floating bars can annoy some users if not used correctly. Use floating bars sparingly and display them when appropriate and relevant to the user’s experience.

9. Create Audience-Specific Landing Pages

A landing page is a standalone web page created for a marketing or advertising campaign designed to convert visitors into leads or customers.

To create an audience-specific landing page about the benefits of joining your subscriber list, you must identify your target audience’s specific needs and interests and create content that addresses those needs and interests. This could include information about the types of content or resources you will be sending to your email subscribers, the frequency of your emails, and any special offers or discounts you provide.

To implement this strategy easily, you can use a WordPress page builder to create and customize the landing page to match your brand and message. You can then use your website, social media, or paid advertising to promote the landing page and drive traffic. When someone lands on the page, you can ask them to sign up for your email list in exchange for access to the content or resources you are offering.

Overall, creating an audience-specific landing page about the benefits of joining your subscriber list can be a powerful way to get more subscribers by demonstrating your email list’s value and addressing your target audience’s needs and interests. Just be sure to consider the needs and interests of your audience and how the landing page will impact their experience.

10. Include a Protruding Header

When a visitor lands on your website, the first thing they will see is your header, and you can use this opportunity to grab their attention and invite them to sign up for your email list.

To implement this strategy, create a protruding header that sticks to the top of your website or blog. You can then add an opt-in form under the simple, appealing header and invite visitors to sign up for your email list.

Remember that the opt-in form should be easy to understand and clearly explain the benefits of signing up for your email list. You may also consider using a clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA) to encourage visitors to sign up.


A steadily increasing subscriber list on your website is a sign that you have an effective blog and that your site provides the information your visitors need. You may promote your content, offer items, and start new initiatives through your email list. In this way, your subscribers will also get posted on your plans.

You don’t have to do these tips all at once; you can choose the ones that suit your preference and your website. Again, these tips will guide you in getting that email list full! The real strategy lies in how you’ll implement and work on your content to become more appealing and informative to your visitors.  

We hope that these tips we provided will help you in your future endeavor to have that email subscriber list overflowing! For questions, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. 


Co-Founder & Team Leader
Tassos is the founder and team leader at FireBox. With a background in user-centric design and full-stack development, he is dedicated to ensuring that FireBox is user-friendly and aesthetically beautiful.