Enhancement: Immediately show the popup to the user when Behavior > Closing Behavior > "If the user closes the campaign" is set to "keep showing the campaign".
Fixed: Certain blocks aren't working as expected in edge cases.
Fixed: Floating Button may not appear in correct position.
Fixed: Opening Sound may play more than once after re-opening the popup.
Fixed: Campaign settings aren't saved due to a PHP error related to the Hummingbird plugin when trying to clear the cache.
Fixed: Improved the appearance of Embed campaigns in the gutenberg editor.
Fixed: PHP 8 deprecation notice "Creation of dynamic property SmartTags::$isPro is deprecated".
Removed: Depreacted "FireBox Campaigns" section from the FireBox and Core Buttons/Image blocks. These settings have been moved to the new FireBox panel.
Added the Date/Time field to the FireBox Form block, allowing you to collect date and time from your users.
Added the Phone Number field to the FireBox Form block, allowing you to collect phone numbers from your users.
Added the Embed Campaign experiment block, allowing you to embed any published campaigns (with "Embed" mode) within your posts/pages, relative to your content.
Added shortcode [firebox.embed id="X"]. This shortcode allows you to embed any published campaigns (with "Embed" mode) anywhere on your posts/pages.
Changed: FireBox > Submissions > dropdown now lets you select a campaign to view this campaigns submissions.
Changed: The Form block can only be inserted once per campaign.
Updated translations.
Fixed: Honeypot anti-spam mechanism may not trigger correctly.
Fixed: Auto Focus wouldn't focus on links outside Core/FireBox Button blocks that act as links.
Removed: Form Name setting from form fields. All form fields will take the name of the campaign.
Removed: FireBox campaigns from the WordPress SEO sitemap.
Added hook "firebox/session_start" which allows you to disable sessions. Note that doing so, will prevent "Time on Site" and "Pageviews" conditions from working.
Improved the Row block styling.
Fixed CSS conflicts in the editor.
Fixed an issue where Cache-Control wasn't being respected.
Adds PHP Scripts, allowing you to execute PHP code in various events.
Adds {fpf cookie.KEY} Smart Tag.
Adds {fpf post.KEY} Smart Tag that returns a $_POST value based on a key.
Adds {fpf geo.city}, {fpf geo.country}, {fpf geo.countrycode}, {fpf geo.region}, and {fpf geo.location} Smart Tags that return the user location details.
Fix: Searchable dropdowns wouldn't return correct results when searching.
Fix: Button wouldn't trigger the campaign when the old FireBox Settings were used, in some cases.
Fix: Typos in translations.
Fix: On Click > Open/Close Campaigns list may not display valid popups.
Fix: Opening Sound wouldn't play in editor.
Improvement: Increases how many Brevo lists appear in the List field.
Improvement: Renames On Click > Open Another Campaign to Open Campaign.
Improvement: In Analytics > Performance chart, make "Views" filter appear after Conversion Rate.
Improvement: In Analytics charts, remember the selected filters.
Improvement: Adds a "fb-form-success" CSS Class to the popup instance when a form is submitted.