Behavior Section

The Behavior section allows you to set how your popup will function by providing the position, trigger point and opening/closing behaviors. Below we list all available settings with a helpful description.

Below you can find each setting per Behavior section.


Set popup general settings such as the popup mode, whether the popup will be in test mode as well as the popup position.

PositionSelect the position of the popup.
Popup ModeChoose Popup to display a lightbox popup on top of the page's content or Page Slide to display a slide-in from the top of the page. This way your users can just scroll down to reach your content.

Trigger Point

Set when to fire the popup.

Page Load

To learn more about the this trigger point, read the documentation: The Page Load Trigger

Page Ready

To learn more about the this trigger point, read the documentation: The Page Ready Trigger

Scroll Depth

To learn more about the this trigger point, read the documentation: The Scroll Depth Trigger

Element Visibility

To learn more about the this trigger point, read the documentation: The Element Visibility Trigger


To learn more about the this trigger point, read the documentation: The Exit Trigger


To learn more about the this trigger point, read the documentation: The Click Trigger


To learn more about the this trigger point, read the documentation: The Hover Trigger

AdBlock Detect

To learn more about the this trigger point, read the documentation: The AdBlock Detect Trigger


To learn more about the this trigger point, read the documentation: The Idle Trigger


To learn more about the this trigger point, read the documentation: FireBox Javascript API

Opening Behavior

Choose how your popup will behavior prior to your users seeing it.

Show Frequency PROSet how often the popup can appear.
Opening SoundSelect a sound to play when the popup appears.

Closing Behavior

Choose how your popup will behave after a visitor closes it. You can keep showing the popup or hide it for a set amount of time before it starts to reappear.

If the user closes the popupSet whether to keep showing it after the user has closed the popup.
Auto-Close popupSet whether to auto-close the popup after a number of seconds.


Set accessibility settings for the popup.

Auto FocusWhen then popups open, set focus to the first focusable element within the content of the popup.
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