Added the Date/Time field to the FireBox Form block, allowing you to collect date and time from your users.
Added the Phone Number field to the FireBox Form block, allowing you to collect phone numbers from your users.
Added the Embed Campaign experiment block, allowing you to embed any published campaigns (with "Embed" mode) within your posts/pages, relative to your content.
Added shortcode . This shortcode allows you to embed any published campaigns (with "Embed" mode) anywhere on your posts/pages.
Changed: FireBox > Submissions > dropdown now lets you select a campaign to view this campaigns submissions.
Changed: The Form block can only be inserted once per campaign.
Updated translations.
Fixed: Honeypot anti-spam mechanism may not trigger correctly.
Fixed: Auto Focus wouldn't focus on links outside Core/FireBox Button blocks that act as links.
Removed: Form Name setting from form fields. All form fields will take the name of the campaign.
Removed: FireBox campaigns from the WordPress SEO sitemap.