Drive email collection with the Free EBook Popup tactic. Engage visitors, offer value, and seamlessly gather addresses on your WordPress site.
Ever faced the challenge of growing your email list while keeping your audience engaged? Enter the Free EBook Popup – the solution to capture attention and emails simultaneously. This tactic features a visually appealing popup that offers visitors a free ebook, turning casual viewers into eager subscribers. It's not just about gathering emails; it's about creating an interactive and valuable experience for your audience.
Curious about how this tactic works its magic? It's a game-changer for turning your website into an email-generating powerhouse. By seamlessly integrating a Free EBook Popup into your WordPress site, you're not just asking for emails but providing something valuable in return. This guide walks you through the simple steps to ensure visitors stay longer and willingly share their email for that exclusive ebook. Let's effortlessly transform your website into a hub of engagement and email growth!
Let's see the steps one by one.
Go to FireBox -> and click New Campaign.
In the open dialog, check the Collect Email Addresses filter from the left sidebar and pick any template from the list by clicking Insert. An example template would be "Get a Free Best Seller e-book".
Optionally, you can customize the styling of the popup and target a specific audience using the Display Conditions.
Hit the Publish button, and that’s it! You’ve successfully added an EBook popup that collects email addresses to your WordPress site!